1 Million March 4 Children

On Wednesday, September 20, 2023 the coast-to-coast 1 Million March 4 Children in Canada took place in Prince George. In addition to parents and guardians of students within School District…

Elephant in the classroom

The touting of altruism towards children has been used for centuries to advance political purposes and the ideas of individuals or groups. All too often the well-being of children was…

Prince George trucker returns from Ottawa a hero

A crowd gathered in February of 2022 to welcome Kas as he rolled back into Prince George from the Freedom Convoy to Ottawa in his newly acquired blue Freightliner named…

Dear MLAs do something please!

On the afternoon of Wednesday, February 23, 2022, concerned Prince George citizens visited several offices of elected officials and delivered letters to MLAs Shirley Bond, Mike Morris, and Todd Doherty…


Celebrating the Freedom Convoy

Hundreds of people gathered to celebrate freedom back into existence. On Saturday, January 29, people from Prince George and outlaying communities gathered with vehicles decorated for a family-friendly celebration of…

Questioning popular narrative

Many are feeling stuck as they continue to live under seemingly endless personal restrictions and agree that a post-mortem is needed on the past two years to understand how we…